Welcome to the Esp8266Weather project

The ESP8266 is a really nice device when it comes to internet of things. Its really efficient and has a powerfull wireless chip on it.
This project is a Webservice for getting Weather Data from a ESP8266 equiped with a DHT-XX sensor.
Providing more Sensors is planned.


In this section the general build is described.

Whats needed?



Software Installation


  1. Install the IDE

    1. Download Arduino IDE from http://arduino.cc/download.php?f=/arduino-1.6.5-r5-windows.exe
    2. Run it with Admin rights

  2. Install the ESP8266 Resources

    1. Open Preferences (File -> Preferences)
    2. In additional Board Manger URLs add "http://arduino.esp8266.com/staging/package_esp8266com_index.json"
    3. Restart IDE
    4. Open Boards Manager (Tools -> Boards -> Boards Manager)
    5. Search for ESP8266
    6. Install Latest

  3. Install the DHT Libraries

    1. Download this "https://github.com/adafruit/DHT-sensor-library"
    2. Unzip it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries"
    3. Restart IDE

Hardware Installation

Build up the hardware like in the schematics below

Read more in the Wiki https://github.com/kratostav/Esp8266Weather/wiki